Speaking of Limitless
We live in a world which is rapidly changing as we now face a new normal. These changes require we who wish to contribute to our society also be intentional, remain relevant and aligned to these changes. This means we must embrace new ways of thinking, feeling, believing, speaking and doing in our lives.
Albert Einstein said these words in the wake of the release of the first atomic bomb during World War II. A new type of thinking is essential if mankind is to survive and move toward higher levels.
As human beings we are unable to solve our current problems with the same type of thinking which created these problems. We must take action to implement superior ways of thinking, feeling, believing, speaking, and doing to resolve these problems. Embracing these higher schools of thought can potentially create limitless creative possibilities, enhance our human potential and enable us to better serve our fellow man.
Life Imagined Mantra
My Ever-Present Future
As I live in my present and learn from my past I also prepare for my future by seeing it within the vision of my imagination. I think it – I write it – I speak it so I will one day live my future which is also here and now in my present. I pulled it here to prepare me, to expand and enlarge me, it will serve me becoming my reality in my here and now. Although my past is behind me it serves as a teacher and instructor, a reminder of problems solved and lessons learned… So, although my present life is clear, if my future life is not also clear, my now will have little meaning.
by J. H. Carpenter Barnes, Ph.D.

You were led here because you’re expanding your conscious connection! We would love you to join our growing soul family!

Taking Control of Our Destination
- Be aware of where we expend our Energy & Focus
- To be our best we must Think & See Beyond what others are doing
- Recognize Momentous Success is obtained through Cooperation Not Competition
- When we can Envision The Clear Conclusion of a project before we start… Then, we are ready to begin

The best way to not feel hopeless is to get up and do something to lighten the burden of another… and there is no exercise better for the heart than reaching down and lifting someone who is fallen.

The truth is human beings are unable to solve our current problems with the same type of thinking which created these problems… we must stretch the imagination to see more… to be more.